Tempo: Benefits of Controlled Strength Training

For our next training cycle, you'll see the use of tempo for all accessory movements.

Tempo, simply put, refers to the speed at which you perform each repetition during strength training exercises. 


There is a myriad of benefits in incorporating tempo into your strength training routine:

  • Increased Muscle Activation: Slowing down the tempo allows you to focus on proper form and technique, ensuring that the target muscles are fully activated. This not only enhances muscle recruitment but also reduces the risk of injury.

  • Muscle Time under Tension (TUT): By extending the duration of each rep, you increase the time your muscles spend under tension. This extended TUT stimulates greater muscle fiber recruitment, leading to enhanced strength gains and muscular endurance.

  • Enhanced Mind-Muscle Connection: Tempo training demands a higher level of concentration. By connecting your mind with the movements, you create a symbiotic relationship between your brain and muscles, maximizing their potential.

  • Improved Strength and Power: Tempo training challenges your muscles to adapt to a slower pace, improving their ability to generate force. The result? Increased strength and explosive power.

  • Injury Prevention: By emphasizing control and proper form, tempo training minimizes the risk of injury.

What Do The Numbers 3111 (etc...) Mean?

You'll see and hear us talking about 4 numbers attached to a movement. E.g DB Row @ 3111.

The 1st number (3) is the eccentric/lowering of the weight.
The 2nd number (1) is an isometric hold at the bottom, if any.
The 3rd number (1) is the speed of the concentric/lifting of the weight.
The 4th number (1) is an isometric hold at the top, if any.


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